Wolfgang <<You sure base a lot of conclusions on one photo.>>
I come to my conclusion about the photo based on your posts
to the LML and those by Lorn regarding the incident. Please correct any errors. Lorn describes a hectic IFR approach with
turbulence and huge crab angles. He
stated that upon selecting gear down he did not notice that both switches were
open (not sure how he was able to monitor the switches), or didn’t notice the
lack of three green. If both pressure switches were indeed open, the
low side pressure gauge would read 500+ and the high side 1200+ psi. Clearly they do not. Furthermore, had the above assumption been true
and both sides were pressurized, the gear would have remained completely stowed
in the wheel wells. If, as you state, the gear was indeed pushed up
upon landing then it was obviously not stowed but partially deployed. This means the pressure switches were not
both open and the gear did start on its way down. The pressure pulse stopped the pump and your
module would not have helped
Chris Zavatson N91CZ 360std www.N91CZ.net