This is a reminder that the Virginia Festival of Flight will be held at the Suffolk Airport (KSFQ) on May 31-1 June this
year. In years past, we’ve set off a parking area for Lancair aircraft, and will do so again this year if you’re interested. Given the marginal weather of the past three years, we’re due for perfect spring weather and a great turnout.
Please let me know directly if you’re interested in coming, and I’ll send specific parking and event information as we
develop it. Please note that SFQ is an uncontrolled field, with para jumpers and considerable GA traffic during the fly-in weekend. Be sure to check NOTAMS for the airfield, to include times the airfield is closed for an air show, and the restriction against
overflight of the field for the duration of the fly-in because of the jumpers.
Please send me an email if you plan on coming, and I’ll post info to all who let me know. Come join us for this great
aviation event!
Bob Pastusek