The only change from the 3/11 vs 3/21 was the removal and reinstallation of the exhaust for #2 and #4 and, ……..removal of the EGT probes.
No care was taken to be sure the probes were reinserted to the same depth. That thought did not occur to me!
I'm making a wild ass guess that the probes were not returned to the same depth position, thus the temp differences.
I've been wrong before…..
Begin forwarded message:
Subject: Exhaust
Date: March 27, 2014 12:45:24 PM EDT
So here is engine start up on 3/11 compared to 3/21.
Looks to my untrained eye as though the EGT2 probe could be the issue.
I'll swap 2 and 4 and see if 4 becomes the low temp cyl.
BTW, my engine is IO360B1F.
Angier Ames
3/11 Start

3/21 Start