Interesting, as Don suggested installing the bob weight for my
235/320. It's been in since day one. All 320 mods, no wing
Original Message -----
Wednesday, March 19, 2014 9:44 AM
[LML] Re: L360 bob weight
Ditto what Leighton wrote... Especially his last sentence. (g)
Re: 235/320 small tail, no bob weight with all the 320 mods and wing
extensions suggested by Don years ago. Earl
When I was building my first Lancair, a 360
with one of the first "big tails", back in the early '90's, Don Goetz
suggested not to install the bob weight so I didn't. I never discussed
the "why or why not" with him and never missed it. I don't know if the
same suggestion applied to the original tail. I learned early on not
to argue with the Don.