Mailing List Message #69401
From: Charles Brown <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Re: [LML] Canopy Latch modeling
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 07:30:58 -0400
To: <>
Oi, now you've got me really guessing.  I was never able to find a pressure distribution for the Legacy.  

Assuming roughly elliptical spanwise lift distribution, and eyeballing it, and allowing something for the convexity of the canopy, I think about 1/4 of the total lift comes from the fuselage section where the wing passes under it, of which about 2/3 would come from the upper surface (the canopy).  1/4 X 2/3 = 1/6 of the total lift of the airplane that you lose when the canopy pops.  That's huge.  If that's true, it means the instant the canopy pops, the airplane would sink noticeably and you'd reflexively pitch up to maintain 1g, thereby initiating the vicious cycle of increasing alpha, increasing canopy opening.


From: Paul Miller <>
Date: March 6, 2014 1:15:04 PM CST
Subject: Re: [LML] Re: Canopy Latch modeling

Charles, understood on all points thank you.  But, if the canopy generates lift and the lift is removed, like a spoiler deploying, is there a further effect from the loss of lift considering we were trimmed for flight prior to unlatching beyond the canopy weight?

What kind of lift can we guesstimate?


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