Bob: thanks for that picture, it is helpful. We have a boatload of scimitar/550s here at Spruce. We also have the Lancair scimitar mated to Lyc540 and 580s on the SX300s and one is using a newer Hartzell scimitar on a Lyc580. Perhaps it makes sense for our group to gather and perform a dye penetrant test on one or more to get some data particularly if this is hidden from casual view.
Paul Spruce Creek
Here is a pic of the crack (red box) and red tag showing the crack data. Nothing much to look at, even in the high resolution version. I couldn't see anything with the naked eye. I did file an SDR about a week and a half ago, no response yet. As far as common issues, I have had people respond that they have exactly the same symptoms as I have had. They are all people with a big bore continental and 3 blade Hartzell prop. I don't know of anyone else that has found a crack or if anyone has tested their crank flange.