John et al -- that little forest of cracks in my Pic 1 was on the original issue links which I rejected and Lancair replaced. I never flew with them; and those weren't fatigue cracks, they came from the cold folding of the tabs during manufacture. Bad process; I'm not sure how they corrected it, but the 2008 links didn't have that problem. Still, if you never thought to look at the links, be advised, those little cracks aren't good; were rejected by a very knowledgeable stress hacker buddy of mine at Lockheed. And Lancair didn't argue the point.
On Apr 3, 2012, at 12:28 PM, John Smith wrote:
Kit number 323, flying since end 2010, and about 80 cycles. I have already
repaired my main gear over-centre link actuator attachment tabs - they
showed signs of fractures, but nothing like yours. Nose gear seems fine,
for now, but I'll have to change that sometime soon. BUTŠ.what your first
pic seems to show is an emerging forest of fatigue cranks around the main
over-centre link attachment shank. I find that a bit worrying, as failure
in that area was not the subject of the SB 074-0111. What does Lancair
have to say about that? And I wonder why they haven't covered that in the
SB-074Š or is there something else coming from them?
John N G Smith
Tel / fax: +61-8-9385-8891
Mobile: +61-409-372-975
Email: john@jjts.net.au
On 3/04/12 10:21 PM, "Charles Brown" <browncc1@verizon.net> wrote:
> Short story: My 2006 Legacy kit with 2008 overcenter links has the
> flawed parts and needs fixing.