Mailing List Message #61539
From: Russell <>
Sender: <>
Subject: G900 software V10 autopilot communications
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2012 16:08:27 -0400
To: <>

Okay, I've upgraded my Saucer autopilot the latest software and the Garmin G900 software to version 10. I'm able to get barometric pressure to change but unable to get heading and altitude settings from the G900. I have tried every setting in the GIA page in the G900 with no success. Garmin & Tru Trac has tried to help me through this, unfortunately no resolution at the moment.


I have heard that it does work but unable to reproduce it on my system.


Has any of you done the upgrade to your systems and is it working? If so what is your settings and what did you do to make it work?


Thank you for your help

Russell Steiner

N2AA legacy





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