Mailing List Message #61538
From: Adam Molny <>
Sender: <>
Subject: First flight N181AM
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2012 16:08:27 -0400
To: <>

After 10 ½ years of building, Lancair Legacy #151 few for the first time on April 3, 2012. The flight lasted 40 minutes. The plane handled well and the engine ran smoothly. I kept the gear down and flew conservatively following the AC90-89A first flight guidelines – level off at 3000’ to check controllability, then climb to 6000’ for some slow flight and simulated approaches to landing. The airplane handled like the other two Legacys I’ve flown with no surprises. 


The only squawks were a pitch trim that operated backwards (duh!) and a couple of nuisance oil leaks. Now it’s on to expand the flight envelope and fly off my 40 hours!


Here’s the video:


-Adam Molny

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