During a typical message approval session late last night my computer
locked up and caused me to accidentally approve a couple of posts that shouldn't have gone to The List... the first was politically related, the other
had some really large photos that should have been processed prior to being sent out. Please, let's keep in mind that the LML is not the proper
venue for political messages and you'd be doing me a huge favor if you simply wouldn't send that kind of stuff along... it would keep me from having
to deal with it, or worse, having it get through accidentally and aggravating people out there who are expecting Lancair related material and instead
see something totally unrelated. The LML is an international community, and as outlined in the Users' Guide, it is here to facilitate
Lancair-related discussion without subjecting its members to spam, advertising, or off-topic material, so politics of any country simply don't
belong. As for the HUGE photos, I've covered IrfanView and its abilities enough times here that I'm kind of surprised to still see unprocessed
photos (ie, 2-3Mb file sizes) still showing up. 'Nuff said. Please accept my apologies for the wayward