Mailing List Message #58048
From: <>
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Subject: Re: [LML] Primer Systems
Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2011 11:13:19 -0400
To: <>
I've had excellent results with PPG DPHS52 Epoxy Primer Surfacer.  Not cheap, but builds and sands very well. I would stick with either WLS or some other high quality epoxy primer surfacer. If you take a Dixie cup full of urethane primer surfacer, it only hardens on the top.  DPHS52 will turn into a solid block. 
Mike Easley
Colorado Springs
In a message dated 4/16/2011 6:24:47 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, writes:
What is the latest thinking on primer systems?  Is WLS still the preferred solution?
I've seen a lot of discussions in the archive on PPG DP40 and even marine primer solutions.
Gary Anderson
Wildwood, MO
LNC2 70%
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