Mailing List Message #58046
From: Guy Buchanan <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Re: [LML] Alodine + Hysol
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2011 20:24:29 -0400
To: <>
On 4/14/2011 6:42 AM, Gary Fitzgerald wrote:

Does  treating an aluminum part with alodine affect the ability of Hysol to stick to it?

    The best thing you can do for stick to aluminum is to etch it with MetalPrep #79 and then Alodine. This gives you a micro-porous surface that Hysol (and any other adhesive / paint, etc.) just loves to stick to; much better than any sanding operation which only increases bonding surface area by a small percent. See:

and ASTM D3933. (No I couldn't find a freebee online.)

Guy Buchanan
Ramona, CA
Kitfox IV-1200 / 592-C / Warp 3cs / 500 hrs. and grounded

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