Mailing List Message #58037
From: <>
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Subject: Fwd: [LML] Alodine + Hysol
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2011 13:11:14 -0400
To: <>
Alodine is a chromate conversion that is usually applied to bare aluminum for corrosion protection and a base for painting the aluminum.  As for a pretreatment for hysol,  I'm not so sure.  This has been my business and livehood for about 33 years and never have had a question like this.  I think that if you rough sand paper the part you might have a better adhesion than with the Alodine.  It was designed for paint adhesion
Michael Giardino
Glasair n66mg Flying
L-IV n7sz  95%

From: Reply-to: To:
Sent: 4/14/2011 6:43:06 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time
Subj: [LML] Alodine + Hysol

Does  treating an aluminum part with alodine affect the ability of Hysol to stick to it?


As long as we’re on the topic, these (forward hinged) canopy hinge brackets look like they already have some sort of coating on them.  Did anybody else add some sort of protection to these things, or am I just overthinking this?


Gary Fitzgerald

LNC2 ~70%

Engine: TBD

St. Charles, MO


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