Mailing List Message #58025
From: Colyn Case <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Re: [LML] Re: Lancair "Tail Cam " movie
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 08:25:51 -0400
To: <>

check out Data-toys.    They appear to have worked through all the issues including the prop vs. shutter problem, have a nice mixer box and recorder box and a very decent monitor.   They can actually talk to you about your installation without the usual (You're installing it in a what?)   My only gripe is the price.   But going for cheaper will require some experimentation.    You can buy most of the components on-line but it won't be cookbook.

The sony snake-cams are very interesting for permanent mounting.    several versions with different specs.  I bought one and experimented with it and was pretty impressed.    ....but ran out of time for fooling around and went the datatoys route instead.  No videos yet.  sorry.


On Apr 9, 2011, at 9:55 AM, Roger Iverin wrote:

I have looked into the possibility to permanently install a bullet cam in the tail.
Any others here who have considered to do ? And which cam ?

Best regards
Roger Iverin

On 08.04.2011 21:54, Jeffrey Liegner, MD wrote:
Coincidentally, there's an article in AOPA Magazine this month:

First Look: You too can be on YouTube
Cameras to help you make in-flight videos

<Mail Attachment.png>
Three cameras are spotlighted and reviewed.

My guess is youšll get so many requests for this info that you may as well post it on LML.  However, should you chose not to do so, Išm interested in more info.  In particular, which camera seems to work best and how do you mount it on the outside of your plane?
Danny Miller
N 38° 43' 25.7"
W 77° 30' 38.6"
From: randy snarr []
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 10:39 AM
Subject: Lancair "Tail Cam " movie
Many have been asking about the cameras I have been using on my airplane to make movies.
It is the Contour HD camera.
I have become a dealer to outfit myself and friends with cameras at a discount.
If anyone is interested please contact me off line..

I just put together a promo video to help feature the camera and how it can be used on our airplanes.....
Beautiful scenery and and the Lancair 235...enjoy..

Randy Snarr

"Flight by machines heavier than air is unpractical and insignificant, if not utterly impossible"
-Simon Newcomb, 1902

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