If you did that wouldn’t you have
to move the throttle controls to the left side of the panel? And then how
would you fly from the right seat with no power controls unless you put a set
there too? If you do it, make sure you have an engineer analyze the stick
forces. Doing this wrong could be disastrous.
N 38° 43'
W 77° 30'
marv@lancair.net [mailto:marv@lancair.net]
Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2010
8:42 AM
To: lml@lancaironline.net
Subject: LNC2 center stick?
Posted for "steve alderman"
I'm new to the lancair family. Bought an unfished kit this
past winter or
should I say rescused one . Have worked almost everyday and close to primer. I
have a big question for all. As a past high time KR2 builder-pilot ( Chased
Lance around in the 80's) I enjoyed the center stick (in the console) and
think it would be a good space saving mod in the Lancair. Has any one made
this mod? Any drawing ? Pics
Thanks Steve Alderman lancair 360