Mailing List Message #51896
From: William Rumburg <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Re: [LML] Debonding Flap
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2009 22:52:59 -0400
To: <>
You've entered the Twilight Zone...the realm of the poorly constructed plane. I would 'bite the bullet', remove the flap, break it apart and reconstruct it.
Problem is, what of the rest of the plane?

Bill Rumburg
N403WR (Sonic bOOm)

I am an instructor, not a builder.  I have experience with the rutan construction method, but very little with lancair.  An owner that I teach has a 360 with the left flap debonding at the trailing edge bond line, shown as an 8 inch crack through the middle of the trailing edge.  I would like to know suggestions on fixing this.  From my experience with the ez's, normaly sanding between the two areas and filling with epoxy would be a normal fix on a non structural surface, but I am concerned  about this with a flight control.  The owner believes filling with a hypodermic needle and super glue will fix this.  I obviously do not agree with this fix and am looking for input.  Thanks.

Luke Alcorn

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