Mailing List Message #51889
From: Ron Galbraith <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Kudos to Lancair
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2009 22:52:44 -0400
To: <>
Posted for Gordon Porter

I waited to post this comment until I had the prop in hand and the invoice paid.
Short version......  my prior training as a CPA has left a scar on me by being a skeptic!
I had gotton a quote from Lancair on a 3 bladed Hartzell prop for my ES.... about $13,000 with the spinner.   A little high, but OK, not a popular model, etc..  Half paid with order, half prior to delivery..  Then my Piper Lance partner had a prop strike in January and through the dealings with the insurance company we got a new Hartzell 3 bladed prop for $8,900.  Yikes, I thought, those guys at Lancair....
We have a very good prop shop locally which carries all the major lines.  So, I contacted them to get a quote on the same prop Kim quoted me.... even gave them the Hartzell part number.  They too were going to drop ship it to me from Hartzell.  The quote totaled almost $20,000 for the exact same thing, and for just pushing paper around.  With 2/3 payment down with order.
I think Lancair gives us a huge break on some things that many of us don't know about, or don't appreciate.
Kudos, and thanks, to Lancair.
ES under construction
PS....can someone please post this to the LML as I can't post?  tx

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