Excellent responses, as usual, thanks guys.
Bill, I did a quick search on Google after making my post and found a couple of the old LML posts, but I will do a specific search of the archives to see what I can find. That's a good suggestion.
I also appreciate your detailed repost of that soft field takeoff information. I can visualize all that you are saying, and have promptly decided that I will hold off on attempting this on grass for now. I only have 4 grass takeoffs/landings worth of experience so far, and they were in a very forgiving 172.
If anything, I will eventually start practicing the soft field techniques on a long, wide paved runway until I feel comfortable with it. I suspect that the precise elevator control will take some practice. I'm still getting used to the sensitivity of the elevator during a normal takeoff with a passenger on board (considerably different than when single pilot, due to the CG change). I thought I had a good feel for 'touchy' elevators from hundreds of hours of RC glider flying...but apparently it doesn't translate to full size airplanes :)
The point about the $18k taxi was also well-taken...it pays to know the field very well. Even then, I doubt I can know for sure if there will be 2" soft spot that I may have missed in the past.
Thanks again, everyone. I'm up to about 19 hours in the 360, and loving every minute of it. I was on a VFR flight after getting the KX-155 looked at, climbing at 750fpm at 155KIAS at 6000ft....it still blows me away. The performance out of a 180hp powerplant is just amazing. I took a flight in a 172 a few weeks ago as a safety pilot for a buddy....it felt like we were standing still during the climbout! I feel very lucky to be part of this club.