Mailing List Message #51874
From: John Barrett <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Re: Boost pump question
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2009 10:59:56 -0400
To: <>
Vtail Jeff wrote:
A big cause of accidents is an imperfect memory that we all seem to have --
gear up landings, open doors on takeoff, etc. IMHO I try to simplify
flying... boost pump on low from start to takeoff. I have almost 1300 hours
on the IVP and the boost pump still works great. If you think you will wear
it out --fuggetabout it. It will only take one or two times of the engine
dying above 10,000 msl to convince you otherwise. BTW 10,000 feet msl is not
very high when you are taking off at Steamboat.

Now I'm confused, Jeff - Lo boost ON from Start to Takeoff?  I've been using
HI boost to prime (I'm just now setting up engine parameters on my
Performance Engines TSIO-550) but then the pump is OFF during start and
afterwards until shutdown.  The engine hasn't been airborne yet, so the
10,000 foot parameter has not come into play yet.  I don't quite understand
about leaving LO boost ON from start to takeoff.  Do you turn the pump OFF
just before you take the runway?  Why do you do this?

BTW how did the build week go on your Evolution?

John Barrett

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