From: Charlie Kohler
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 7:33:48 PM
Subject: [LML] Insurance
Today I received word that we now have a new company on board writing policies at the appx' the same rates AIG had a year ago and with several extra large benefits. The deductibles are $250 not in motion/$2500 in motion. Training will be through independent flight instructors that are approved by the underwriters. They have asked me to help in that selection and set the training syllabus.
I have contacted several instructors around the country and hopefully we can get this regionally set so that travel/weather and other concerns will be easier to manage.
Additionally, A Lancair Company inspection will not be required for
initial or pre-purchase. Again, They will have individual Lancair builder/FAA maintenance folks located around the country to help with this.
I'm signing up today.
Charlie K.
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