Mailing List Message #50472
From: Dominic V. Crain <>
Sender: <>
Subject: RE: [LML] Re: Ryan 9900B
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 08:00:43 -0500
To: <>

Hiya Grayhawk,

Noting your poor man’s TCAS (Monroy ATD-300?) scrams “TRAFFIC NEARBY” only once or twice on LONG VFR trips gave me a head up.

Mine - the little darling – gives it every few minutes. I snaps to the panel which reads “0  - 0”! No doubt reading my TXPDR.

When this happens over the GAFA (the Great Australian Flamin’ All), sort of a bit east of Fred Moreno, it wears a bit thin.

Short muting the thing, or turning the TXPDR to STBY, which defeats the purpose, I wondered what magic you have to suggest.

Cheer mate.





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