Mailing List Message #50470
From: Scotty G <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Re: [LML] 360 in a small-tail LNC2?
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 08:00:42 -0500
To: <>
Next time your flying, play with this a little. I did.
(I weigh 250, and I'm guessing Tom might weigh 150 after a steak dinner...)
At high speed cruise with the flaps fully up, the airplane would seemingly cruise a touch nose high and I'd see about 4 extra knots. Kind of squirrly there, but I was racing so I accepted it. Very little force or feel to the pitch. Putting any baggage exacerbated the problem.
Now, after you've played with the feel in that setting, take a look at your elevator. Bring a small camera and take a photo of the elevator position.
After that, blip your flaps down for about half a second. Blip! on the flap button. Just get them to move down a degree, maybe two at most. It really changes the airplane a lot. It will "lift" the tail up a bit higher, and for me, took away most of the down elevator (lift the tail) required for level, fast flight. Take a picture of the elevator position there so you can reference it after the flight.
See of that does anything to the elevator position in cruise. It did for me.
Scotty G
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