Mailing List Message #50467
From: Tom McNerney <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Pursuit Of CG In LNC2
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 08:00:42 -0500
To: <>

I have learned a lot from everyone over the last few days.  Let me give everyone some more details.

The elevator bob weight was below the horizontal (elevator up, nose pitch up) with flaps all the way up.  Scott Krueger gave me the directions to measure the tail incidence, and I plan on doing that very soon.   I will also be doing a new weight and balance after I find a home for 40 gallons of 100LL.  My 49cc scooter can only take 1 at a time and the broken down Cessna is full.  Go figure.

All this being said, keep in mind I have logged over 100 hours in it's current condition and experienced just about all of the flight envelope. Some not by choice.  So I think this is more about fine tuning than a major CG move.  The previous owner mentioned that with him flying, and the old engine, the results were opposite, like what Larry Henney experienced.  (elevator down, nose pitch down)

I'll post the results of what I find.  Thanks for the help.

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