Mailing List Message #50466
From: Bruce Gray <>
Sender: <>
Subject: RE: [LML] FW: 360 in a small-tail LNC2?
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 08:00:42 -0500
To: <>
If I recall correctly, it's the difference between the wing and the tail
angle of incidence (called decalage I believe) that will determine the
stability and speed of the airplane. More decalage, more stability, slower


-----Original Message-----
From: Lancair Mailing List [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 5:36 PM
Subject: [LML] FW: 360 in a small-tail LNC2?


I had occasion to visit my CG limits for a son's science project.  Similarly
I was assessing elevator bob weight position relative to the horizontal tail
at race speeds and comparing airspeed data.  

In my aircraft, your premise would be wrong.  That is, I have to move the CG
forward to flatten out the elevators to the horizontal tail (which also
increases speed (yes it's hard to believe)).  As opposed to changing CG, one
might verify horizontal tail incidence.  Or more precisely all Lancair 320/
360 I've flown with have this same affect (bob weights a little high at
least minimally).

Regarding your CG comments, serious pursuit of empty CG before any
additional flight would be my recommendation (imho). The phrase " way to far
forward I think" has me squirming.

Larry Henney

PS: In my estimation, several 320/ 360 builders took the tail plane template
and transferred it to an incidence guide.  The subsequent mistake was
mounting one's smart level atop the guide and setting the tail plane at the
requisite 1/4 to 1/2 degree nose down.  The mistake is missing the fact that
the incidence guide off the blue print was already 1/2 degree nose down.
Thus reading 0 deg on the smart level should have had the tail at the 1/2
degree nose down angle.  Many are actually 1 deg nose down.  This is not a
problem.  It just increases stability and costs 2-3 kts.

Just my 2 cents.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom McNerney []
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 12:51 PM
Subject: RE:360 in a small-tail LNC2?

Works great.  I have a 400!  I'm sure the rest of small tail group would
agree.  Might have to move your center of gravity back. (I need to)  Only
thing I can say is that slow flight with full flaps isn't the most
comfortable, but now that I am aware of how it handles, doesn't bother me a
bit.  My CG is way to far forward I think, so that probably makes the slow
flight a little different.

On a side note..   I turned around and looked at the tail the other day
while indicating 200KTS.  I could see the elevator counter weight, or almost
all of it.  I didn't expect to see that at 200.  Maybe 100..  haha  This
leads me to believe that I have a forward center of gravity.  The big engine
would explain that.  Once I get the plane on some scales, the only thing I
can think of is to move the battery.  My battery is behind the passenger

Has anyone mounted a battery behind the baggage compartment?  Advice?


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