Mailing List Message #50451
From: Tom McNerney <>
Sender: <>
Subject: RE:360 in a small-tail LNC2?
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 13:51:00 -0500
To: <>

Works great.  I have a 400!  I'm sure the rest of small tail group would agree.  Might have to move your center of gravity back. (I need to)  Only thing I can say is that slow flight with full flaps isn't the most comfortable, but now that I am aware of how it handles, doesn't bother me a bit.  My CG is way to far forward I think, so that probably makes the slow flight a little different.

On a side note..   I turned around and looked at the tail the other day while indicating 200KTS.  I could see the elevator counter weight, or almost all of it.  I didn't expect to see that at 200.  Maybe 100..  haha  This leads me to believe that I have a forward center of gravity.  The big engine would explain that.  Once I get the plane on some scales, the only thing I can think of is to move the battery.  My battery is behind the passenger seat.

Has anyone mounted a battery behind the baggage compartment?  Advice?

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