Mailing List Message #50449
From: <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Re: [LML] 360 in a small-tail LNC2?
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 13:51:00 -0500
To: <>
I have a 360 with a small tail, short engine mount, and small wheels and have absolutely no problems. It flys straight, and I have no trouble with landings. I fly high and land at higher altitudes so appreciate the extra power for climb out. A friend has a 360 with the larger tail. He has flown mine and says he can't tell the difference.
Len Spina
In a message dated 2/19/2009 6:14:51 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Posted for PAUL HERSHORIN <>:

My son has a 320 with a small tail and he asked me to ask if there is
any one out there that has put a 360 in a Lancair with a small tail--if they
have what are the problems and how does it handle.
 Paul Hershorin
 360  471LA


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