Mailing List Message #50447
From: David Standish <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Re: [LML] Re: Canopy Light
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 13:51:00 -0500
To: <>
billhogarty wrote:
For David Standish:

David:  I didnt want my "Door Open" light to be illuminated just because the door was open so I have the light powered from the master bus to the 3 pole door contactor, then down to the microswitch on the internal side of the 2nd door handle.
This turns the light on only when the master switch is on AND the door is closed.  When the 2nd door handle is in the locked position, the microswitch opens the circuit and the light goes out.  Pretty simple and no relays needed.
Regards, Bill Hogarty

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Great solution!  I also go through the door contactor to a micro switch on the door handle.   I am not pressurized and don't have a second latch to put a switch on.  My light circuit goes through an annunciator controller that controls and tests all the warning lights on the panel also the warning lights are LED's so they are unlikely to burn out.  They relay I used was rated for about 100,000 cycles.

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