Mailing List Message #50408
From: Tom Gourley <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Re: [LML] Re: cylinder wear-to lean or not too lean
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 13:02:41 -0500
To: <>
In the "for what it's worth" category a very experienced engine rebuilder told me some years back that he had seen a change in cylinder wear patterns over the last few decades.  In his opinion using the accepted leaning technique of the 60's and early 70's, i.e. 50 degrees ROP, was resulting in more and earlier cylinder wear when that technique was used in the 90's.  He said that now (which was about 10 years ago) it was necessary to run closer to 150 degrees ROP when running 70 - 75% power.  (Running LOP wasn't common at this time.)  His hypothesis was that this was the result of changes in our fuels.  I have seen no data to support or refute this hypothesis, but it can make for some interesting hangar discussions the next time you're hanging out at the airport and weather is below minimums.
Tom Gourley
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