Mailing List Message #50401
From: Valin & Allyson Thorn <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Lancair Legacy Safety Record
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 18:38:05 -0500
To: <>

An LML post today pointing that there had been a fatal Legacy accident last November that I did not know about prompted me to take a fresh look at the NTSB database for the Legacy’s safety record.


Here’s a table, below, summarizing what I found on US Legacy accidents.  I don’t know, though, how to get international accident data for a complete view.  For example, I know from Helmut Burner (Austrian Legacy builder) that a Legacy with an aft hinged canopy (Aerochia mod) forgot to latch the canopy on takeoff and the wind took it off and into the tail and broke the tail off.  The pilot did not survive.


Does anyone know of a way to get international Lancair Legacy accident data?  Or, if you know of an accident anywhere that is not in this table, would you please send me whatever information you have? (


Also, does anyone have information on how many Legacies are flying?


I’d like to see what I can learn from the accident history to help make the airplanes safer and put some numbers to the risks of flying one.




Valin Thorn



Houston, TX USA



P.S.  The description in the comments column is not complete – just my short hand way of reminding me of which accident it is…  I know the 320/360 is a close relative of the Legacy and may provide a larger statistical sample – but, I wanted to start with a look at just the Legacy airplanes.







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