X-Virus-Scanned: clean according to Sophos on Logan.com Return-Path: Sender: To: lml@lancaironline.net Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2009 12:11:43 -0500 Message-ID: X-Original-Return-Path: Received: from imo-m23.mx.aol.com ([] verified) by logan.com (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 5.2.12) with ESMTP id 3472410 for lml@lancaironline.net; Mon, 02 Feb 2009 11:17:36 -0500 Received: from N66mg@aol.com by imo-m23.mx.aol.com (mail_out_v39.1.) id q.cba.33533f8a (29678) for ; Mon, 2 Feb 2009 11:17:18 -0500 (EST) From: N66mg@aol.com X-Original-Message-ID: X-Original-Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2009 11:17:18 EST Subject: Re: [LML] N9JE First Flight X-Original-To: lml@lancaironline.net MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="-----------------------------1233591438" X-Mailer: AOL 9.1 sub 5003 X-Spam-Flag:NO -------------------------------1233591438 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Good Morning Ed & Janie, If you two have been as helpful to others that you know, as you have been to me and you don't know, it no wonder that everyone is excited about your finished L-IVP. It's just plain beautiful and I bet it flys like a dream, I'm envious. The wings now have all the flaps,ailerons and speed brakes connected, one step almost finished. It sure does take a long time doesn't it, and the best part is that I never used a cuss word, not even under my breath. Wishing you smooth winds and clear sunshine days! Best From the West, Michael In a message dated 1/31/2009 4:39:58 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, 2luv2fly@cox.net writes: Friday Morning 1/30/09 Good Morning Everyone! I have been amazed at the number of congratulations we have received for the recent flight of our IV-P. Thanks to everyone for the encouraging words and kind comments. My words to folks still building - don't give up! My words to folks flying - now I know why it was worth all the effort! The first flight is just the beginning - it brings on a whole new set of "opportunities" after it flies. The first flight was flown by Dennis Pratt - a Lancair IV-P builder / owner for the past 12 years (over 1300 hrs TT). I owe a lot of my experience to Dennis - a huge thanks to him - for everything! Charlie Kohler was our DAR. I would have taken a monetary bet that our airplane was squawk free, but no - far from it! The items that Charlie found were evidence that "experience" is the best thing to have when someone inspect your airplane. His knowledge came from years of experience of "having been there - done that - see almost all of it"! In my opinion, his inspection was money well spent. He is a valuable asset to our Lancair community! Testing phase is going pretty well. The stalls we did were very predictable (I didn't know what to expect from something I built). The stall strips we installed (Charlie's guidelines) worked! We had about a 5 knot "buffet" before the stall and with some careful rudder work, the stall was straight, predictable and recoverable. As the test phase progresses, we will begin loading the airplane toward the aft CG to determine how the takeoffs and landings are affected. Our bird's CG is further aft than I would have liked, but so far, no ill tendencies. Again - thanks to everyone for their words of encouragement and congratulations! The LML is indeed a great group of very talented people! Our best regards to everyone! Ed & Janie Smith N9JE Chesapeake, VA -- For archives and unsub http://mail.lancaironline.net:81/lists/lml/List.html **************Stay up to date on the latest news - from sports scores to stocks and so much more. (http://aol.com?ncid=emlcntaolcom00000022) -------------------------------1233591438 Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Good Morn= ing Ed=20 & Janie,
If you tw= o have=20 been as helpful to others that you know, as you have been to me and you don'= t=20 know, it no wonder that everyone is excited about your finished =20 L-IVP.  It's just plain beautiful and I bet it flys like a dream, I'm=20 envious.
The wings= now have=20 all the flaps,ailerons and speed brakes connected, one step almost finished.= It=20 sure does take a long time doesn't it, and the best part is that I never use= d a=20 cuss word, not even under my breath. Wishing you smooth winds and clear= =20 sunshine days!
Best From= the=20 West,
In a message dated 1/31/2009 4:39:58 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,=20 2luv2fly@cox.net writes:
<= FONT=20 style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" face=3DArial color=3D#000000 size= =3D2>Friday=20 Morning

Good Morning Everyone!

I have been amazed= at=20 the number of congratulations we have received for the
recent flight o= f=20 our IV-P.  Thanks to everyone for the encouraging words and
kind=20 comments.  My words to folks still building - don't give up!  My= =20 words
to folks flying - now I know why it was worth all the=20 effort!

The first flight is just the beginning - it brings on a who= le=20 new set of
"opportunities" after it flies.  The first flight was=20 flown by Dennis
Pratt - a Lancair IV-P builder / owner for the past 12= =20 years (over 1300 hrs
TT).  I owe a lot of my experience to Dennis= - a=20 huge thanks to him - for

Charlie Kohler was our=20 DAR.  I would have taken a monetary bet that our
airplane was squ= awk=20 free, but no - far from it!  The items that Charlie
found were=20 evidence that "experience" is the best thing to have when someone
insp= ect=20 your airplane.  His knowledge came from years of experience of=20
"having been there - done that - see almost all of it"!  In my=20 opinion, his
inspection was money well spent.  He is a valuable a= sset=20 to our Lancair

Testing phase is going pretty well.&n= bsp;=20 The stalls we did were very predictable
(I didn't know what to expect=20= from=20 something I built).  The stall strips we
installed (Charlie's=20 guidelines) worked!  We had about a 5 knot "buffet"
before the st= all=20 and with some careful rudder work, the stall was straight,
predictable= and=20 recoverable.  As the test phase progresses, we will begin
loading= the=20 airplane toward the aft CG to determine how the takeoffs and
landings=20= are=20 affected.  Our bird's CG is further aft than I would have
liked,=20= but=20 so far, no ill tendencies.

Again - thanks to everyone for their wor= ds=20 of encouragement and
congratulations!  The LML is indeed a great=20 group of very talented people!

Our best regards to everyone!
Ed=20 & Janie Smith
Chesapeake, VA

For archives= and=20 unsub=20 http://mail.lancaironline.net:81/lists/lml/List.html

Stay up to date on the latest news - from sports scores to st= ocks and so much more.