Mailing List Message #49530
From: Berni <>
Sender: <>
Subject: RE: [LML] Need gps replacement
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 06:09:54 -0500
To: <>



I do have a GX60 that I just replaced with a second 430.  It worked perfectly for me.  Let me know what you feel is fair and I am sure we can get it to you right away.






From: Lancair Mailing List [] On Behalf Of Jim Scales
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 8:19 AM
Subject: [LML] Need gps replacement


My faithful sidekick, the Apollo GX60, got sick and died after almost 10 years of use.  I am looking for one to replace it.  Anyone got a GX60 you're not using and want to sell it?  I am interested.


If I am unable to get a replacement unit I will probably be looking for a Garmin GNC300XL.  Anybody got one of those?


You can contact me off the list at




Jim Scales

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