X-Virus-Scanned: clean according to Sophos on Logan.com Return-Path: Sender: To: lml@lancaironline.net Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 06:09:54 -0500 Message-ID: X-Original-Return-Path: Received: from imo-m20.mx.aol.com ([] verified) by logan.com (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 5.2.10) with ESMTP id 3305947 for lml@lancaironline.net; Tue, 18 Nov 2008 11:47:01 -0500 Received: from REHBINC@aol.com by imo-m20.mx.aol.com (mail_out_v39.1.) id q.d02.47317a2f (29288) for ; Tue, 18 Nov 2008 11:46:57 -0500 (EST) Received: from user1-656b2de53.domain.invalid (h230.30.18.98.dynamic.ip.windstream.net []) by ciabeta-ma02.mx.aol.com (v121_r4.6) with ESMTP id MAILCIABETAMA022-72684922f17f2e7; Tue, 18 Nov 2008 11:46:56 -0500 X-Original-Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 11:46:53 -0500 From: REHBINC Subject: Re: [LML] Re: LML X-Original-To: "Lancair Mailing List" In-Reply-To: X-Original-Message-ID: <7dd5fe70.5d4b.49a2.8f91.47c8d0af20f7@aol.com> References: X-Mailer: Nexus Desktop Client MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: MULTIPART/alternative; BOUNDARY=63795944-f871-4984-bdf8-8f59f00df1fb X-AOL-IP: X-Spam-Flag:NO --63795944-f871-4984-bdf8-8f59f00df1fb Content-Type: TEXT/plain; charset=us-ascii I first started reading (lurking?) this list about 8 - 9 years ago. At that time I was planning to buy a LIV kit in approximately 2 years time and I wanted to educate myself about the process. I would have to say that I learned a great deal from the list and that knowledge, along with a big reduction in my free time, ultimately changed my mind on building a kit plane for the time being. However, the education was much more diverse than I had expected or even hoped for. In addition to the trials and tribulations of assembling the vehicle, I learned a great deal about its handling characteristics and safety. I also learned about peripheral issues like experimental engines (remember the Eagle big block, the Nagel 444, or the Silver Wings small block?) and all of the problems they had. I still have print outs from the discussions about PSRU's and several other technical topics. Over the years, I have read posts from some very knowledgable individuals with great wisdom to share. I have also read posts from egotistical, self serving, knowitall's, lacking any intelligible grasp of the subject at hand. A few writers fell into both catagories. There were a couple of negative aspects of this second group. First, many who provided their experience or knowledge on an issue were excoriated by ego's that held a different opinion, i.e.; flamed, and probably never shared any of their wisdom again. Second, on several occasions I read statements from the egos that could have resulted in adverse safety conditions or were simply in complete contradiction with the accepted laws of physics. A few of these individuals appeared to be held in rather high regard by the regular contributors to he LML. When I felt that I was adequately knowlegible on the subject, I have always tried to provide my insight, or set the record straight, as the case may be. (I was born up north and a good flaming warms my bones ;). Over the last couple years, I have noticed a definite maturation of the LML. As Glema noted, much of the chatter is now from those who have been flying for quite awhile and the issues are more likely to be about flying in general or finding a particular part. I suppose a great deal of the issues have already been discussed/resolved and are in the LML archives, but the technical discussions have largely disappeared. I also agree with Glema that several of the regulars on this list seem to have nothing else to do during the day than correspond over the LML. However, I think Mr. Edwards is correct in that the discussion of accidents is fundamentally appropriate on the LML. It would be nice if we could all refrain from drawing absolute conclusions on the cause of an accident from a paucity of facts, just as it would nice if certain individuals would limit their comments on structural mechanics or the fundamentals of the internal combustion engine, etc., to that which they actually know. In reality, this is an unreasonable expectation. Knowitalls and egos are a fundamental part of our society. Lancair builders by nature tend to be highly motivated and reasonably successful individuals. This results in a skewed cross section of the population and likely results in an over representation of egos. If the list were to be split up, the ego and knowitall problems would remain. However, it is possible that neither of the new forums would posses the critical mass necessary to sustain themselves. As it is, the builders have access to the experience of those who are flying and haven't anything better to do between flights than chat on the LML. If they were segregated to another forum, this resource would be lost. Rob In a message dated 11/17/08 14:25:46 Eastern Standard Time, vtailjeff writes: Glema, I appreciate your comments but must respectfully disagree with you. As long has man has been flying pilots have been discussing the accidents that arise. The altruistic purpose, of course, is to prevent future accidents. Without that discussion, how can aviation safety be advanced? How can anything be advanced without open discussion? The discussion of the accident ranges from notification to speculation to informed discussion. There has never, in my opinion, been any disrespect shown to the family or the decendent. Have our Lancair accident pilots been careless? Yes. Have they been reckless? Yes. Have they negligently killed others? Yes. You only have to read the NTSB accident report about the February 2008 Oregon Lancair ES accident report to read about two non instrument rated pilots who filed an IFR flight plan and departed into IMC conditions where they lost control of the airplane killing all three aboard. Were they good people, loved by their families? Yes. Do we as a group want this kind of reckless behaviour to continue at peril to our own flying privileges? No. Should we only discuss this privately in private emails? C'mon... it was all over the national aviation press last month when it was released by the NTSB. Sweeping it under the rug will not make this community safer. In my opinion, a good healthy respectful discussion will make our community safer. I am sorry for those men and their families --but their decisions got them to the accident site. If they had abided by the good recommendations espoused here by many others --they would be alive today. In nine years of participation I have not seen one widow comment on this website-- not one. There are too few Lancair owners and builders to divide up into different forums. The LML forum is in the state it is in today not because of the people who do participate but because of the ones who don't. Too many lurkers and not enough participants! Please jump into the forum! Very Respectfully, Jeff Edwards -----Original Message----- From: Scott Keighan To: lml@lancaironline.net Sent: Sun, 16 Nov 2008 5:01 pm Subject: [LML] Re: LML To all, I am the wife of a Lancair builder and have been reading the Forum for many years while my husband has been building and now flying. As an outsider who knows a little something about the process of building and a little experience about flying, my conclusion is there are a handfull of you guys out there that must have nothing better to do then sit on the computer all day long and wait for someone to ask a question or make a remark. Then the group of you decide if it is a valid question or a stupid question. Then either way you pick it apart and discuss it for days to come. Heaven forbid we lose one of our own, in which case all the condolence's go out at first then you proceed to openly discuss the accident and possible causes. Have respect for the family and all the people hurt by the loss of that person. The LML forum is not the place to discuss what might have happened. I know you will probably say someone may learn from it. So maybe it should be discussed amoung yourselves through private emails. As a widow I would not want to see over and over articales and reports as to the final minutes of my husbands life or know that it is being rehashed everyday for weeks to come by the group of guys that are suppose to share the love of the hobby that my husband loved so much. Much of the discussions are speculations and draw hard feelings and fire up temperments which turn newcomers to the LML forum off. It also does not do justice to the family of lancair builders and to the company. My suggestion would be open a new forum for "chatter" for all you guys out there that feel you have to evaluate and discuss all the theroies of flight. Leave the forum for builders asking questions and needing assistance. No question is stupid and no one would have to worry about being made to feel stupid. For those guys that are building when a problem hits they need answers now. Sure they can look it up in the archives because that question has been answered many times before but..... remember when all of you were building all you wanted to do was get it flying. An easy search for one of you geniuses may not be so easy for the rest of the guys. Most of you have had and solved the problems builders are having. Why not give the answer, instead of criticizing. It does not matter how long a builder is building. It's about the love of flying that you are all forgetting. Glema Keighan Built and flown both a Velocity and Lancair 4 ----- Original Message ----- From: Sky2high@aol.com To: lml@lancaironline.net Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2008 10:06 AM Subject: [LML] Re: LML Angier and Bryan, First of all, Angier has been building for ever and has gotten every question answered thru the LML over all these years. Perhaps the answers to many builder questions already exist in the archives, available thru a simple search. As has been noted recently, we may be losing Lancairians that have reached the flying state far too frequently - thus the interest in resolving the issues concerning flight. I sometimes get direct questions from builders and flyers that seek greater detail after an item of interest has been located in the LML archives. It has always been questions that drive the LML although some of us tinkerers contribute the results of "flight experiments" to the LML. Secondly, certain Lancair models have type specific web sites. Bryan, as the starter of a web based forum (http://www.lancairforce.com/), you are probably aware that Lancair folks are generally not "chatty" types. There has been several attempts at forums and some just don't seem to have the activity that is seen elsewhere. Please keep in mind that the LML is question driven - no questions, no traffic. Uh, Angier, how are your projects coming? Grayhawk AKA Scott Krueger In a message dated 11/15/2008 6:36:35 A.M. Central Standard Time, vonjet@gmail.com writes: Get the Moviefone Toolbar. Showtimes, theaters, movie news & more! Instant access to the latest & most popular FREE games while you browse with the Games Toolbar - Download Now! --63795944-f871-4984-bdf8-8f59f00df1fb Content-Type: TEXT/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE
I first started reading (lurking?) this lis= t about 8 - 9 years ago. At that time I was planning to buy a LIV kit in app= roximately 2 years time and I wanted to educate myself about the process. I=20= would have to say that I learned a great deal from the list and that knowled= ge, along with a big reduction in my free time, ultimately ch= anged my mind on building a kit plane for the time being.
However, the education was much more divers= e than I had expected or even hoped for. In addition to the trials and tribu= lations of assembling the vehicle, I learned a great deal about it= s handling characteristics and safety. I also learned about peripheral=20= issues like experimental engines (remember the Eagle big block, the Nagel 44= 4, or the Silver Wings small block?) and all of the problems they had. I sti= ll have print outs from the discussions about PSRU's and several other techn= ical topics.
Over the years, I have read posts from some= very knowledgable individuals with great wisdom to share. I have also read=20= posts from egotistical, self serving, knowitall's, lacking any intellig= ible grasp of the subject at hand. A few writers fell into both catagories.&= nbsp;There were a couple of negative aspects of this second group. Firs= t, many who provided their experience or knowledge on an issue were excoriat= ed by ego's that held a different opinion, i.e.; flamed, and probably n= ever shared any of their wisdom again. 
Second, on several occasions I read st= atements from the egos that could have resulted in adverse safety condi= tions or were simply in complete contradiction with the accepted laws o= f physics. A few of these individuals appeared to be held in rather hig= h regard by the regular contributors to he LML. When I felt that I was adequ= ately knowlegible on the subject, I have always tried to provide my insight,= or set the record straight, as the case may be. (I was born up north and a=20= good flaming warms my bones ;).
Over the last couple years, I have noticed=20= a definite maturation of the LML. As Glema noted, much of the chatter is now= from those who have been flying for quite awhile and the issues are more li= kely to be about flying in general or finding a particular part. I suppose a= great deal of the issues have already been discussed/resolved and are in th= e LML archives, but the technical discussions have largely disappeared.
I also agree with Glema that several of the= regulars on this list seem to have nothing else to do during the day than c= orrespond over the LML. However, I think Mr. Edwards is correct in that the=20= discussion of accidents is fundamentally appropriate on the LML. It would be= nice if we could all refrain from drawing absolute conclusions on the cause= of an accident from a paucity of facts, just as it would nice if certain in= dividuals would limit their comments on structural mechanics or the fundamen= tals of the internal combustion engine, etc., to that which they actual= ly know.
In reality, this is an unreasonable expecta= tion. Knowitalls and egos are a fundamental part of our society. Lancair bui= lders  by nature tend to be highly motivated and reasonably successful=20= individuals. This results in a skewed cross section of the population a= nd likely results in an over representation of egos.
If the list were to be split up, the&n= bsp;ego and knowitall problems would remain. However, it is possible th= at neither of the new forums would posses the critical mass necessary to sus= tain themselves. As it is, the builders have access to the experience of tho= se who are flying and haven't anything better to do between flights than cha= t on the LML. If they were segregated to another forum, this resource would=20= be lost.
In a message dated 11/17/08 14:25:46 Eastern Standard Time, vtailjeff w= rites:

I appreciate your comments but must respectfully disagree with= you.

As long has man has been flying pilots have been discussing th= e accidents that arise. The altruistic purpose, of course, is to prevent fut= ure accidents. Without that discussion, how can aviation safety be advanced?= How can anything be advanced without open discussion? The discussion of the= accident ranges from notification to speculation to informed discussion.&nb= sp;There has never, in my opinion, been any disrespect shown to the fam= ily or the decendent. Have our Lancair accident pilots been careless? Yes. H= ave they been reckless? Yes. Have they negligently killed others? Yes. = You only have to read the NTSB accident report about the February 2008 Orego= n Lancair ES accident report to read about two non instrument rated pilots w= ho filed an IFR flight plan and departed into IMC conditions where they lost= control of the airplane killing all three aboard. Were they good people, lo= ved by their families? Yes. Do we as a group want this kind of reckless= behaviour to continue at peril to our own flying privileges? No.  = ;Should we only discuss this privately in private emails? C'mon... it was al= l over the national aviation press last month when it was released by t= he NTSB.  Sweeping it under the rug will not make this community safer.= In my opinion, a good healthy respectful discussion will make our community= safer. I am sorry for those men and their families --but their decisions go= t them to the accident site. If they had abided by the good recommendat= ions espoused here by many others --they would be alive today.

In&nb= sp;nine years of participation I have not seen one widow comment on this web= site-- not one.

There are too few Lancair owners and builders to div= ide up into different forums.

The LML forum is in the state it is in= today not because of the people who do participate but because of th= e ones who don't. Too many lurkers and not enough participants!
Please jump into the forum!

Very Respectfully,

Jeff Edwards<= BR>

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Keighan= <scottekeighan@sympatico.ca>
To: lml@lancaironline.net
Sent: Su= n, 16 Nov 2008 5:01 pm
Subject: [LML] Re: LML

To all,
I am the wife of a Lancair builder and have been reading the Forum for=20= many years while my husband has been building and now flying.  As an ou= tsider who knows a little something about the process of building and a litt= le experience about flying, my conclusion is there are a handfull of yo= u guys out there that must have nothing better to do then sit on the co= mputer all day long and wait for someone to ask a question or = ;make a remark.  Then the group of you decide if it is a valid question= or a stupid question. Then either way you pick it apart and discuss it for=20= days to come.  Heaven forbid we lose one of our own, in which= case all the condolence's go out at first then you proceed to openly discus= s the accident and possible causes.  Have respect for the family and al= l the people hurt by the loss of that person.  The LML forum is no= t the place to discuss what might have happened.  I know you will proba= bly say someone may learn from it. So maybe it should be discussed  amo= ung yourselves through private emails.  As a widow I would not wan= t to see over and over articales and reports as to the final minutes of my h= usbands life or know that it is being rehashed everyday for weeks to come by=  the group of guys that are suppose to share the love of the hobby that= my husband loved so much.  Much of the discussions are speculations an= d draw hard feelings and fire up temperments which turn newcomers=20= to the LML forum off.  It also does not do justice to the fam= ily of lancair builders and to the company. 
My suggestion would be open a new forum for "chatter" for all you=20= guys out there that feel you have to evaluate and discuss all the thero= ies of flight.  Leave the forum for builders asking questions and needi= ng assistance.  No question is stupid and no one would have to wor= ry about being made to feel stupid.  For those guys that are build= ing when a problem hits they need answers now. Sure they can look it up in t= he archives because that question has been answered many times before but...= .. remember when all of you were building all you wanted to do was get it fl= ying. 
An easy search for one of you geniuses may not be so easy for the rest=20= of the guys.  Most of you have had and
solved the problems builders are having.  Why not give the answer,= instead of criticizing.
It does not matter how long a builder is building.  It's about the= love of flying that you are all forgetting.
Glema Keighan
Built and flown both a Velocity and Lancair 4
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2008 10:= 06 AM
Subject: [LML] Re: LML

Angier and Bryan,
First of all, Angier has been building for ever and has gotten e= very question answered thru the LML over all these years.  Perhaps the=20= answers to many builder questions already exist in the archives, available t= hru a simple search.  As has been noted recently, we may be losing Lanc= airians that have reached the flying state far too frequently - thus the int= erest in resolving the issues concerning flight.  I sometimes get direc= t questions from builders and flyers that seek greater detail after an item=20= of interest has been located in the LML archives.  It has always b= een questions that drive the LML although some of us tinkerers contribute th= e results of "flight experiments" to the LML.
Secondly, certain Lancair models have type specific web sites.
Bryan, as the starter of a web based forum (http://www.lancairforce.com/), you are proba= bly aware that Lancair folks are generally not "chatty" types.  There h= as been several attempts at forums and some just don't seem to have the acti= vity that is seen elsewhere.
Please keep in mind that the LML is question driven - no questions, no=20= traffic.
Uh, Angier, how are your projects coming?
Grayhawk AKA Scott Krueger
In a message dated 11/15/2008 6:36:35 A.M. Central Standard Time, vonjet@gmail.com writes:
