I agree Glema. There are too many thoughtless smart-ass
comments. Please lighten up, and be courteous and helpful or zip
Rod Pharis
From: Lancair Mailing List
[mailto:lml@lancaironline.net]On Behalf Of Scott Keighan
Sunday, November 16, 2008 3:01 PM
Subject: [LML] Re: LML
To all,
I am the wife of a Lancair builder and have been reading the Forum for
many years while my husband has been building and now flying. As an
outsider who knows a little something about the process of building and a
little experience about flying, my conclusion is there are a handfull of
you guys out there that must have nothing better to do then sit on the
computer all day long and wait for someone to ask a question
or make a remark. Then the group of you decide if it is a valid
question or a stupid question. Then either way you pick it apart and discuss
it for days to come. Heaven forbid we lose one of our own, in
which case all the condolence's go out at first then you proceed to openly
discuss the accident and possible causes. Have respect for the family
and all the people hurt by the loss of that person. The LML forum
is not the place to discuss what might have happened. I know you will
probably say someone may learn from it. So maybe it should be discussed
amoung yourselves through private emails. As a widow I would not
want to see over and over articales and reports as to the final minutes of my
husbands life or know that it is being rehashed everyday for weeks to come
by the group of guys that are suppose to share the love of the hobby that
my husband loved so much. Much of the discussions are speculations and
draw hard feelings and fire up temperments which turn newcomers to
the LML forum off. It also does not do justice to the family
of lancair builders and to the company.
My suggestion would be open a new forum for "chatter" for all you
guys out there that feel you have to evaluate and discuss all the
theroies of flight. Leave the forum for builders asking questions and
needing assistance. No question is stupid and no one would have to
worry about being made to feel stupid. For those guys that are
building when a problem hits they need answers now. Sure they can look it up
in the archives because that question has been answered many times before
but..... remember when all of you were building all you wanted to do was get
it flying.
An easy search for one of you geniuses may not be so easy for the rest of
the guys. Most of you have had and
solved the problems builders are having. Why not give the answer,
instead of criticizing.
It does not matter how long a builder is building. It's about the
love of flying that you are all forgetting.
Glema Keighan
Built and flown both a Velocity and Lancair 4
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2008 10:06
Subject: [LML] Re: LML
Angier and Bryan,
First of all, Angier has been building for ever and has gotten
every question answered thru the LML over all these years. Perhaps the
answers to many builder questions already exist in the archives, available
thru a simple search. As has been noted recently, we may be losing
Lancairians that have reached the flying state far too frequently - thus the
interest in resolving the issues concerning flight. I sometimes get
direct questions from builders and flyers that seek greater detail after an
item of interest has been located in the LML archives. It has
always been questions that drive the LML although some of us tinkerers
contribute the results of "flight experiments" to the LML.
Secondly, certain Lancair models have type specific web sites.
Bryan, as the starter of a web based forum (
http://www.lancairforce.com/), you
are probably aware that Lancair folks are generally not "chatty"
types. There has been several attempts at forums and some just don't
seem to have the activity that is seen elsewhere.
Please keep in mind that the LML is question driven - no questions, no
Uh, Angier, how are your projects coming?
Grayhawk AKA Scott Krueger
In a message dated 11/15/2008 6:36:35 A.M. Central Standard Time,
vonjet@gmail.com writes: