All good info. But, as usually, we
must be careful with the inferences from mis-used/mis-applied statistics.
To relate that private pilots make up 35%
of the total pilot population and 48% of GA accidents is pretty useless by
i.e. What percentage of airline and/or commercial
flight accidents are attributed private pilots? Of course the answer is zero.
That’s because the population of all airline/commercial pilots and the
population of all GA pilots are not the same. Thus, relating the % of GA
pilot type accidents to the type % of the total pilot population (GA, commercial,
and airline) is on the surface inconclusive and perhaps mis-leading.
It could easily be that 60% of all GA
pilots are private pilots and when associated with the 48% private pilot accident
statistic above leads to the opposite conclusion that, in aggregate, the
private pilots are actually less likely to be correlated with the accident rate
(generally fly in better weather on local flights, etc).
I’m all for ratings and training –
but Jeff said “food for thought” – so I couldn’t help
but comment.
From: Lancair Mailing
List [] On Behalf
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2008
7:09 PM
Subject: [LML] Re: Safety in our
Community of Lancairs
Here is more food for
-----Original Message-----
From: Giffen Marr <>
Sent: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 7:07 pm
Subject: [LML] Re: Safety in our Community of Lancairs
What is the
vertical scale??
Here is a pretty sobering chart.
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