Mailing List Message #49408
From: Taylor, David <>
Sender: <>
Subject: RE: [LML] Comment Period Extension
Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2008 21:51:47 -0500
To: <>



The FAA website says send emails to:


How about just sending an email like this to him:


Dear FAA,


Please don’t change the 51% Building Rules!!!!!


We don’t need any new regulations on the 51% Rule; the FAA just needs to enforce the rules it has in place.


Your proposal will KILL the aviation homebuilt market!






From: Lancair Mailing List [] On Behalf Of Joe Bartels
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 18:38
Subject: [LML] Comment Period Extension


For those of you who have not commented on the proposed FAA "Major Portion" rule changes, seems as though the FAA forgot something or another and now has provided us with a further extension within which to comment.  There are a lot of you who have not commented on these onerous changes and I ask that you take the time to do so now!


The sum and substance of the FAA's proposed policy change is that commercial builders should not be allowed to continue in existance.  Further that the manufacturers of the various kits should be limited as to what they can provide in the kit as "prefabricated" parts.


I invite you to look at to get more particulars, or you can call me at 541-350-2901 and I will direct you towards more information on this vital subject.




Joseph C. Bartels, CEO

Lancair International, Inc.

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