X-Virus-Scanned: clean according to Sophos on Logan.com Return-Path: Sender: To: lml@lancaironline.net Date: Thu, 01 May 2008 22:57:29 -0400 Message-ID: X-Original-Return-Path: Received: from smtp106.sbc.mail.mud.yahoo.com ([] verified) by logan.com (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 5.2.2) with SMTP id 2881013 for lml@lancaironline.net; Thu, 01 May 2008 22:05:21 -0400 Received: (qmail 68213 invoked from network); 2 May 2008 02:05:22 -0000 DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=s1024; d=sbcglobal.net; h=Received:X-YMail-OSG:X-Yahoo-Newman-Property:From:To:Subject:Date:Message-ID:MIME-Version:Content-Type:X-Mailer:Thread-Index:X-MimeOLE:In-Reply-To; b=YXgblEq4xqcaoniw1ahBtZLiu5H2dJ9VPVUONcbCPZm2lAH6tdQbM1dKAt/w2yDQHYi1NBNHPSWN4ahGLhfd24TGRIUtC0rURZZbB2YqBJb+lc8FC7sxB4etM3juevmBE4maDiG2X5gsqCUI8RLTLWCmA/VHHIRno02in/q9HzE= ; Received: from unknown (HELO BUCKYSDELL) (buckyw@sbcglobal.net@ with login) by smtp106.sbc.mail.mud.yahoo.com with SMTP; 2 May 2008 02:05:21 -0000 X-YMail-OSG: Fv7hlFYVM1mAFf0Yt9m5EEgKnAkF4vh70kIJCqwt14lkbHTCnRJUePCAAYLozt.VTVU5hqITNdeD4tRKwc7N_ZLp2Z9mAHNUOKXo8sRpRQdjGRSCK8D0Gq2Pw.E4Fet5umMziKIFGyXKkpyKSm0ziT4o X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: ymail-3 From: "Bucky Whittier" X-Original-To: "'Lancair Mailing List'" Subject: RE: [LML] What wax are people using? X-Original-Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 19:05:20 -0700 X-Original-Message-ID: <000501c8abf8$f9f59700$4601a8c0@BUCKYSDELL> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0006_01C8ABBE.4D96BF00" X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook 11 Thread-Index: AcirIGTj5C6DxIOrRdyVrgzSDe6nkQA2C1gg X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.3198 In-Reply-To: This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0006_01C8ABBE.4D96BF00 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Race Glaze www.raceglaze.com Bucky Whittier LNC2 360 _____ From: Lancair Mailing List [mailto:lml@lancaironline.net] On Behalf Of Taylor, David Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 5:15 PM To: lml@lancaironline.net Subject: [LML] What wax are people using? What wax or wax like substance are people using on their Lancairs? (Or not using.) Also - Any speed differences? Dave T. Legacy RG ------=_NextPart_000_0006_01C8ABBE.4D96BF00 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Race Glaze www.raceglaze.com

Bucky Whittier LNC2  = 360


From: = Lancair Mailing List [mailto:lml@lancaironline.net] On Behalf Of Taylor, David
Sent: Wednesday, April = 30, 2008 5:15 PM
To: = lml@lancaironline.net
Subject: [LML] What wax = are people using?


What wax or wax like substance are people using on their Lancairs?  =  (Or not using.)


Also - Any speed differences?


Dave T.

Legacy RG
