I just want to
let Legacy builders and flyers know that I received plenty of requests for the
stainless steel Legacy exhaust tunnel shields and we are moving out on
producing them.
Some people
have asked about alternative materials like carbon/carbon and ceramic coated
lighter weight metals… There are currently no plans to pursue these
advanced concepts because they will require more expensive processes and take
lots more time and testing --adding to costs. Whereas, the stainless
steel looks great and we know it works. These advanced materials projects
sound fun – but, Allyson wants me to get our Legacy finished…
they’ll be made out of 22 gauge (about 0.030” thick) stainless
steel and polished all nice and pretty. I don’t have a weight yet
– but, would expect them to weigh maybe a pound. You should
tentatively plan on them being ready for shipment in February. I’ll
let you know when I’ve added them to our website so you can order.