I was concerned about this problem during my build of the step in my
LIV-P. I 'lined' the inside of the 1/4 inch guide tube with a bicycle
brake cable outer sheath. The inside of the sheath is a
synthetic...probably a type of nylon. It was a tight fit into the
inside of the guide tube, but allows the cable to pass freely. Hope it
works. I won't have a report until after I'm flying. Pictures are
available if you are interested.
Barry Knotts, LIV-P, Conti TSIO-550, Perrysburg, Ohio
TByrnes133@aol.com wrote:
Our retractable step has been sticking for the last couple of
months, so we decided to rebuild it while we were doing the Annual
inspection. What we found was that the cable has sawed right thru the
stainless tube in the middle of the 180 degree bend. We have about 350
hours on the plane. Has any body else out there had this problem. We
made a new tube and will replace tomorrow. Any suggestions on keeping
it from happening again?
Tom Byrnes
Lancair IV N54TB