Oops, as a few people pointed out, I forgot to mention the 235/320/360
crowd. There were also a bunch of them there. In fact, Randy Snarr has a
beautiful 235 that has just been completed, won a Bronze Lindy with it. Had
some very interesting Mods including grafting on the Legacy tail I believe.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lancair Mailing List [mailto:lml@lancaironline.net] On Behalf Of Alan
K. Adamson
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 6:27 PM
To: lml@lancaironline.net
Subject: [LML] Lancair turnout at OSH this year
I suppose it could just be me being tuned in more than normal, or the fact
that I came for the entire week. But it sure seemed that there was more
Lancairs this year at OSH than in the past. I know at one time, there were
at least 6 if not 7 full rows (two actual rows of airplanes, one facing left
and one facing right interwoven). Plus I know a bunch of them where down in
the AVC parking area.
Lots of Legacys, in fact at one time, we had 5 Fixed Gears there at the same
time. A pretty good gaggle of ES's in all flavors and of course a bunch of
IV's and IVPT's. Oh and before I forget, at least one "evolution" showed up
on Wed :) - ok, it was missing it's wings...
Also based upon the Lindys handed out this year, it appears to have been a
very good showing for Lancair.
Dunno if it was the weather, the water, the new airplane, or what, but it
was a very good showing, by comparison, *way* better than SNF this year.
I know I met a few new people and had a great time with the Legacy gang.
Can't wait to do it again.
Here's to another good year!
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