Posted for "Alan K. Adamson" <>:
So, thanks to the help of Don Barnes and Andy Werback. I've created a basic template for W&B for a Legacy (I'm sure it could be modified for others if you want to tackle it). Basically, you fill in the Blue shaded areas, and it calculates and builds printable forms for the output. Both output pages are formatted nicely for 8.5x11 and could be scaled to be inserted in a POH. I'd love to start a "repository" for other Legacys so that W&B's could be shared in this format. To some extent it will also allow for a little "What if" to be calculated if you'd like. It probably borders on *over engineering*, but hey, this is experimental aircraft building right, why not over engineer :) Anyway, enough of that. Here's the link to the document and post on the Legacy Builders Forum Shameless plug, if you haven't registered on the LBF, please do so and if building a Legacy, drop by and check us out. Alan Adamson Atlanta, GA
[Alan, we have spreadsheets similar to yours here on the LML for
LNC2, LES, and LIVP... the Legacy is the only one we're missing. It
sure would be nice if you would share with this community as well...
it's a 2 way street, you know. <Marv>