Having just
completed removal of "lots" of duct tape residue from a plastic plane, I tried
mineral spirits, Goof Off II, naptha and Goo Off. The clear
winner....(drum rolls, please).....Goo Off (Wally World). A key advantage
of the Goo Off was the viscosity. It was semi-gelatinous so it could be
sprayed on the offending area and it would stay there--especially when covered
with strips of plastic shopping bags to let it "steep" for a few minutes before
removal with one of those kitchen sponge pads with the open nylon mesh on one
side (do not use sponges with Scotch brite on one side for obvious
reasons). It still takes a like elbow grease, but comes right off with
nary a trace.
Good advice to
remember--DON'T use duct tape. Good 3M painters tape and several other
higher quality tapes are all a better choices.
Chuck Jensen
Posted for "Bill Wade"
I have used 3M Adhesive Remover to clean upholstery
adhesive overspray and sealant from Navion windows. I also soaked samples of
Velocity windshield material for several weeks as a test before using it to
remove duct tape residue. No adverse effects in either case but I don't know
what the specific materials were. -Bill Wade [Thanks for the
tip, Bill... I'll add it to the list. <Marv>
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