Bill H. Re: drag increase with stall strips and associated decrease
in cruise speed: Theoretically if the strips are placed at the stagnation
point there should be very little drag and therefore very little cruise penalty
(forgive me if you already knew that). I did not do an exhaustive
investigation, but did NOT see any significant difference in cruise at 75% power
with and without the strips.
Re: some other comments: Of course properly installed strips do not
change the stall, they change the stall warning. I used the strips to find
the region of the stall safely, then I removed the strips to investigate the
actual stall characteristics. If I decide to replace the strips it will be
to induce an aero stall warning a few knots prior to the stall, to augment the
aural warning provided by Chelton. Now if I wanted to change the stall
behavior, well that is a different matter--that would take a lot more testing
and experimenting.