I thought I was pretty specific. (and evidently I think this is a problem
or I wouldn't have posted)
The information included:
- size of strip (12.5")
- lateral location of strip (inside edge is 24" from root)
- angle of strip (leading edge is displaced 7/16" up)
- stall speed results (+14 knots)
- stall handling results (nice strong buffet prior to stall with no
rolloff at max elevator deflection)
Not included are these other facts:
- yes I had an incidence problem of .3 degrees. that's been fixed
- yes I had a wing contour problem. the only one I know about has been
- tufts show an even progression of the stall from the root to the tip
- at strip incidence == wing incidence I still have a sudden rolloff.
My question is:
- what other configs should I try for the strips that would have less
impact on stall speed
but still solve the handling problem? e.g. width, relative width, angle,
lateral location