Mailing List Message #39812
From: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Re: [LML] Re: Electronics International
Date: Sat, 03 Feb 2007 08:22:22 -0500
To: <lml>
Posted for "Bill Edwards" <>:

 I originally ordered--and paid the infamous advance deposit-- a AMVP-50 at
 Sun n Fun a couple of  years ago.  I was assured face to face at the show
 that the instument was 'ready to ship,' and, of course, the instument was
 being demonstrated daily at the show.  Long story, short:  was stalled for 3
 months with one lie after another.  They did return my deposit after some
 yelling and threats.  I bought a Vision Micro-System V1000C which was
 delivered immediately.  Vision MS were very helpful as a local A&P and I
 hooked up the sensors.  It works great and I haven't had a bit of trouble
 with it for two years.  Just one man's experience.  I'm sure others have had
 a different experience because EI has been in business for a long time.

 I'm curious to know if any of you have experience dealing with this
 company and specifically their MVP-50 monitor.
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