Posted for "John Barrett" <2thman@cablespeed.com>:
I have to agree with Bill's comments about training and about simulators.
The fancy ones are great (I've only flown basic ones) but the necessary
functions include the ability to introduce failed systems and to create
problems for the pilot to deal with. I was fortunate to have Navy flight
training and time in fighters in the 1960's; many of you have similar
experiences or commercial training like Bill had. Those of us with this
type of training may have an advantage but we are certainly not bulletproof.
Many of the mishaps and tragedies in Lancairs have befallen commercial and
ex military jet jocks as well as low time pilots, so I'm not so sure that
the hours logged or the sims are the primary discriminator.
Bottom line in my opinion: if there was a good simulator training program
for the Lancair series that we could take advantage of, I believe we'd all
be better off.
My two cents.
John Barrett