Posted for Walter Atkinson <walter@advancedpilot.com>:
That's really not true. My comments and recommendations on CHT were taken
from the data off of the strength-temperature chart compiled by former 4-time
Shuttle Astronaut, Dr. Jay Apt. The data came from the Alcoa Company
Handbook, 1959 and Mark's Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, eighth
edition. He is an astrophysicist and I have learned to take his data to the
bank as accurate.
I post what I know based only on the available data. I do not post my
opinions unless identified as such. I am trying to post the referenced chart.
It may not come through on the mail list.
You may need to remove this from the e-mail and look at it in a separate
picture-viewer program.
[the graphic you sent was too small to actually see anything, all detail was lost because it only measured 102x76 pixels, so there was nothing to see. Please send me a link to the original, or save it off as another type of file without scrunching it down so much... I can reformat it and make it available for you. <marv>]