Posted for "Alan K. Adamson" <aadamson@highrf.com>:
I believe you as the builder can specify any gross weight that you want....
However, the factory offers guidelines that stay within the design envelop
of the aircraft.
In talking with Tim Ong. The specified gross is 2200. He had no problem
with 2400, but didn't suggest anything greater than that. I'm thinking of
doing like what some of the certified guys do. They specify a Max Takeoff
weight and a Max landing weight. I'd do the 2400/2200 for those two. Yes
it means you have to burn off some fuel if you took off at gross and then
didn't plan a long enough trip. This is the same thing in my 182. Max TO
is 3100 and Max landing is 2950.
Most likely what I'll do...