My favorite approach whether in my Pitts Special or
my Legacy is to request a 360 overhead preceeded by a low approach. If ok'd by
the tower, I plan to decend to flaring point at as close to the speed llimit as
possible and hold it to two thirds of the runway has passed and then pull up and
do a climbing 360 degree at as close to a 59 degree bank as possible until
pattern altitude at w;hich time I exchange it for a continuation only decending.
At the time of pull up, out come the speed brakes and upon slowing to flap speed
when flaps are extended and on short final upon reaching 100Kt. the gear is
extended. The final goal is to make the first turnoff without excessive braking.
I like to touchdown at 85-90. This can also be done without deploying the speed
brakes. KThe smile it produces is the same.