Although I have not been able to find even one A&P in the whole wide world who nows this fact, the fact is still true. The fact is that Iridium plugs are supposed to be set at .024".
How do I know this? I bought a Champion spark plug gapping tool from Aircraft Spruce. The tool has 2 gap settings. One setting is labeled "Large" and sets the gap at .016". The other setting is labeled "Small" and sets the gap at .024" (maybe .022", I forget right now). The real question is: What does "Large" and "Small" mean. Someone at Champion must know. The Champion reps at SunNFun didn't know. I believe that "Large" means Platinum and "Small" means Iridium. If anyone knows for sure, please tell the rest of us.
I am the only one who is gapping my Iridium plugs to the correct gap according to Champion. I am therefore not pushing the envelope.
From: "Dan Schaefer" <dfs155@adelphia.net>
Increasing the plug gaps too much can force the magneto output voltage (the so called "spark voltage") to find another path to ground.
One might be able to use a larger gap than specified when the ignition system is new but unless you know what your margins really are, you're not doing yourself much of a favor by pushing this particular envelope.
Lorn H. 'Feathers' Olsen, MAA, DynaComm, Corp.
248-345-0500, mailto:lorn@dynacomm.ws
LNC2, O-320-D1F, 1,100 hrs, N31161, Y47, SE Michigan