Mailing List Message #2860
From: John Cooper <snopercod@CITCOM.NET>
Subject: Passenger knee clearance for 320/360
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 19:22:48 -0400
To: <>
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I'm a 235 person, but I think the 235/320/360 are close enough that I may

Nothing should project below the level of the bottom of the instrument
panel or the bottom of the header tank, IMO. When I fly in Clarence's 235,
my knees are about the instrument panel level. Sorry I can't go out and
measure the exact clearance but my plane and I are separated right now.

I would hesitate to put the hydraulic pump behind the instrument panel due
to magnetic interference with your whisky compass. Maybe that is not a
concern in the pattern. I would also hesitate to place the battery in that
area as well for the same reason - lots of magnetic fields due to high
current flows. This would be more of a concern ot me deviation-wise.

Also, adding hydraulic fluid can be very messy. A leak could hose down your
expensive avionics as well.

My aircraft has the pump behind the baggage bulkhead as the plans show.
Avoid doing this at all costs! Access back there is guaranteed to drive you
to tears! Clarence mounted his on the _front_ of the baggage bulkhead, and
made a nice little fiberglass cover to go over it. It works well and hardly
takes up any space...

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